Friday, 20 March 2009

Why is it so Difficult to say no, and am i the only who struggles with this little problem. when people ask "Are you OK" Why can i not say No, why must i say I'll be fine. When a women asks me to do something for them why can i not say No. Please people please tell me I'm not the only one out there with this problem. Help Spyke XX


  1. It's not just you, my love--I find it difficult to say no as well, so when I do, it turns out to be 'fuck no will you piss off and stop fucking monopolising me' and then, lo and behold, I've pissed someone off AGAIN... what's a girl to do? Or a guy, in your case. ?

  2. at least im not alone on this one thanks.


  3. hey..i never knew how to say no, i think i was called a people pleaser then i learnt that you have to say no, you cant always make people happy, you will disappoint some..just try learnt how to slowly, you will get there, because if you always say yes at the end of the day you ony hurt yourself, you do what others want but not what you want.

  4. i am the same way mate
